Ve víku: Neustupov, Lukovec, Malá Chýška 3 desky
obec LUTOVÁ na Třeboňsku.
Jakub Stech, owner of the business, is a descendant from a common ancestor
having the same name Jakub Stech, 1781 - ????, from Lutova 25. The
ancestor, Jakub, had a daughter, Katarina Stechova 1818 - ???? born in
Lutova 25. She had a brother, Jakub Stech, 1824 -1896, born in Lutova 25. I
am wondering if this Jakub Stech owned the business, or had he a son, also,
by the name of Jakub? I was in Lutova in 2008, and Lutova 25 seems to have
fallen in disrepair. I am not sure if the house pictured in deska7799 is
actually Lutova 25. If it is the same one, then some modifications have
been done.
Katerina Stechova married Josef Bednar of Lutova 7 in 1837, and from that
marriage was born my great grandfather, Jan Bednar, 1844 - 1889, who came to
Texas is 1887. Josef Bednar died about 1857, and Katerina married an unknown
Snokhous, and that marriage produced a son by the name of Frantisek
Snokhous, 1862-1912, who also came to Texas. Half brothers, Frantisek and
Jan, settled near the City of West in Texas- a large Czech community. The
grandson of Frantisek, Raymond Snokhous, is currently the Honorary Consul
General of the Czech Republic for the State of Texas. I wish I knew more of
ancestors from Lutova, but the records of Lutova from 1849 are locked away
in the Municipality of Trebon. David Schroeder
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