Welcome to our home page, dedicated primarily to historical photographs by the Šechtl family whose tradition exceeds 150 years. Šechtl's photographic studio was founded in 1865 by Ignác Šechtl (alias Schächtl). He was followed by Josef Jindřich Šechtl, Josef Šechtl and Marie Šechtlová. Thematically rich photo-archive of hundreds of thousands negatives and vintage photos was preserved. It constains, for example, studio works (portraits and group pictures), pictures of memorable places, fine art photography, photo-journalism as well as snapshots (street photography).
On these pages you can find invitations to photography exhibitions, virtual galleries of photographs and regularly updated digital archive. Our shows introduce works of Šechtl & Voseček studios as well as other digitized collections of historical photography around the world. Many of these exhibitions are available on-line in the form of WWW exhibitions.
In our project of digitization archive we strive to make professional quality digital copies of all preserved photographs and make them available in preview quality in our digital archive. We can prepare high quality digital prints that surprise by quality of photographer's work and not only by the nostalgic feelings of “old photos”.
Information about individual photos in the archive is often incomplete or unreadable. We welcome any help with identifying details! Please write us any additional information about the photos.
We strive to produce quality scans of photographic materials in our archives. This is hard to do without professional equipment. With decline of classical photography also professional photo scanners disappeared from the market. If you own a professional scanner you no longer need, contact us. Perhaps we could make good use of it.
Section, where we show the most interesting information we have received from you, about photographs in the archive.
Current | Archive
If you can not use accents:
Sechtl & Vosecek
Marie Sechtlova
Dukelskych bojovniku 1944
Tabor 390 03
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 776303193
Current | 2015–2018 | 2014–2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008-2 | 2008-1 | 2007-2 | 2007-1 | 2006-2 | 2006-1 | 2005–2004
New year cards by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, New year cards for Enven, New year cards for Voleman, New year cards for Kolář, New year cards for Vzduchotechnika, New year cards for Jaroslav Zvěřina, New year cards for Eva Zbořilová, New year cards for Legille, New year cards for Dřevotvar, New year cards for MJD Trading, New year cards for Milena Vaňková, New year cards for František Dědič, New year cards for Klanica, New year cards for Stanislav Hroch, New year cards for Kavas, New year cards for Panacea drug store, New year cards for Hora, New year cards for Pila Pasák, New year cards for Jan Mrzena, New year cards for Stanislav Kázecký, New year cards for Randová
We newly scan artwork of Marie Michaela Šechlová
graphics and paintings, Exlibris by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Exlibris mezzotinta, Exlibris aquatnt, Illustrations by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Illustrations for book Blue Love (1980), Drawings for book Blue Love (1980), Waterpaintings for book Blue Love (1980), Marie Michaela Šechltlová childhood works, Mezzotint by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Mezzotint with embossing, Alpy, Series Rosary, Mezzotint on print matrix, Nwwetherland, Brittany, Adriatic, Italy, Blossoms, Birds, Birds 2, Moravia, Theatre, Views, Tapestry ideas, Ilustrace, Cvetaeova, Nezval, Šolc, Series Spain, Drypoint by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Italy, Marriage announcements, Newborn announcements, Ilustrace, Jengibarov, Seifert: Cannal garden, Engravinbgs by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Paintings by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Aquatintes by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Aquatintes - callendars, diploma thesis by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Watercolors by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Drawings by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, South Bohemia (drawings), Cirkus (drawings), England (drawings), Italy (drawings), Flowers (drawings), Litography by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Touches, Pierot series, Greatest of Pierots series, Illusion warehouse, Series South Bohemia (Jan Noha), Mime artists, From grandfathers album, Combined technique by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Masks, Czech opera - series celebrating anniversary of National Theatre, Woodcut by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Etching by Marie Michaela Šechltlová, Series Flowers
New photographs
Photographs from exhibition of Marie Šechtlová in Cairo 1967, Photographs from exhibition of Marie Šechtlová in Cairo 1967, Photographs from exhibition of Marie Šechtlová in Písek 1982, South Bohema from helicopter - prints, Square with buses, Outlook tower hylacka (built 1920, destroyed 2012), National museum in Prague, Goat castle at postcards, Unidentified family, art reproduced in Marie Michaela Šechtlova monograph, Dufaycolor, Set of lantern slides 8x8 by unknown author