Photographies of the city Tabor

These photographies of Ignác Šechtl has been published in the callendary “The city Tábor 2002—View to the history”. Our thanks to mr. Kunc for digitizing the photographies and writting the commentary.

Baroque TáborTechnical improvements of the beggining of 20th centuryTábor that disappeared

Sport and amusementBudějovická street"The time won't stop"

The historic centre of TáborTheathre of TáborKřižík's powerplant

The first electric line in TáborThe traveling in TáborTábor's hospitality

The place of important eventsHotel "Setunský"Historical centre of Tábor

The oldest artificial water barrierUsefull and decorativeCloster square in Tábor

Closter square in TáborMain churchHistorical dominants of Tábor

Main Tábor crossIn the between of old and new cityTábor and first world war

Tábor bathsTábor of many facesThe river Lužnice as romantic locality

Valley of the river LužniceHarach's restaurantEast side of Tabor's square

West side of Tabor's squareBakery in koželuh streetBeerwery

BeerweryUnder the Castle"What a beauty"

Citiwalls of TaborThe main streetThe old cityhall of Tábor

Tabor's"Palace"The high school in Tábor (reálka)16th century architecture in Tábor

???Club Sokol in TáborTábor shooting rage

Shopping place in the centerTurism in TáborRomantics of the "old" T8bor

The watertower in TáborThe exposition in TáborMeeting place

Tábor and Jan Žižka from TrocnovThe Tábor school of agriculture