Almost all the work on our project of
digitizing the archive is done voluntarily, and would not be
possible without the help of many contributors. We would like to
especially thank the following (in alphabetic order):
- Andrew Godall
- for correcting many of the English texts and significantly
improving clarity of web pages
- Yvetta Dorflová
- for identifying photographs of relatives of famous writer
Božena Němcová
- Mrs. Franková
- for finding texts about Sokol club in Tábor
- architects Mr. Jankovec and Mr. Kristián
- for identifying photographs of Tábor old town
- Jiří Kohout
- for fixing mistakes in our archive; allowing us to scan
photographs and postcards from his collection; and for giving
guided tours in our museum
- Jiří Kořalka
- for help in preparing exhibition on Alexander Seik
- Mrs. Lukšičková
- for loaning us photographs of Sokol club in Tábor, and for help
with identification
- Martin Mareš
- for space on his Internet server for our web pages
- Phill Michel
- for advice regarding methods of digitizing the archive, based
on his experience at US Library of Congress
- Neograf paper mill
- for preparing special paper for our experiment with albumen
- Mrs. Pražáková, and other staff of the Hussite Museum
in Tábor
- for help in preparing exhibition on Alexander Seik
- Pavel Scheufler
- for help with archiving and dating photographs; for helping us
prepare albumen paper; and for opening a number of exhibitions in
our museum
- Eleanor Schlee and John Titchener
- for correcting many of the English texts and significantly
improving clarity of web pages
- Martin Schmitt
- for help with identifying photographs of Pelhřimov
- Škrla family
- for providing a home for our museum
- Dr. Tecl, Mrs. Prchlíková and other staff of the Tábor
- for researching negatives and texts in their archive
- Jakub Troják
- for typesetting invitation cards, posters, postcards and
- Petra Vávrová
- for help with preparing albumen paper
- Tomáš Zahradníček and Pavel Schaffhanz
- for identifying photographs of Sibiř and surroundings
See also separate credits page of our Prokudin-Gorsky exhibition
We also thank the South Bohemian Region for
their grant to save this cultural heritage;
and the City of Tábor, and mayor František
Dědič, for their support of museum.
Digitization is done by Marie Michaela
Šechtlová and Jan Hubička.
Photographic enlargements by Eva Hubičková and
Marie Šechtlová.
Hardware and software, digital prints, and website, are taken care
of by Jan Hubička.