Cows, 1928 |
Christmas 1928,
1928 |
Probably Christmas 1928.
J. V. Dušek and Josef Šechtl, 1928 |
Probably Christmas 1928.
Josef Ferdidant Šechtl, 1928 |
Probably christmas,
1928 |
car from Bálkova Lhota to Pejšova Lhota, 1929 |
car from Bálkova Lhota to Pejšova Lhota, 1929 |
Boy in Prague, Spořilov,
1929 |
Boy in Prague, Spo#ilov,
1929 |
Boy, 1929 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
Soldiers, 1930 |
On swimming place in
Tábor, 1930 |
On swimming place,
1930 |
On swimming place in
Tábor, 1930 |
On swimming place in
Tábor, 1930 |
On swimming place in
Tábor, 1930 |
On swimming place,
1930 |
On swimming place in
Tábor, 1930 |
first time at school, for school, from school, away from school”,
1931 |
first time at school, for school, from school, away from school”,
1931 |
Ferdidand Šechtl first time in school, 1931 |
Ferdidand Šechtl first time in school, 1931 |
first time at school, for school, from school, away from school”,
1931 |
Antonín Čermák, mayor
of Chicago in Tábor, 1932 |
Antonín Čermák, mayor
of Chicago in Tábor, 1932 |
Antonín Čermák, mayor of
Chicago in Tábor, 1932 |
Antonín Čermák, mayor of
Chicago in Tábor, 1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
3rd meeting of Jawa club,
1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
Meeting of owner of Jawa
cars and motorbikes, 1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
Farmers’ Militia,
1932 |
On the Jordán lake,
1932 |
On the Jordán lake,
1932 |
At Jordán lake,
1932 |
Sokol swimming
baths, 1932 |
marked on Žižka square, 1932 |
Turistic club,
1932 |
Škoda automobile service,
1933 |
Škoda automobile service,
1933 |
Škoda car workshop on
Vančurova Street, 1933 |
Škoda automobile service,
1933 |
Škoda automobile service,
1933 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy). In the middle Eman Fiala, on the
right is his brother František Fiala. Both were famous actors,
František Fieala known as Ferenc Futurista, 1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Soccer with Rome,
1934 |
Soccer from Rome,
1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Soccer from Rome,
1934 |
Soccer from Rome,
1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Celebrations of World
Chapionship (2nd place in Italy), 1934 |
Photographer on
location, 1934 |
Cardinal Karel Kašpar in
Pelhřimov, 1934 |
Cardinal Karel Kašpar in
Pelhřimov, 1934 |
Cardinal Karel Kašpar in
Pelhřimov, 1934 |
Cardinal Karel Kašpar in
Pelhřimov, 1934 |
At the swimming place,
1934 |
At the swimming place,
1934 |
stuffing, 1934 |
48th Regiment stuffing
straw mattresses, Pelhřimov, 1934 |
Calvary in Miličín,
1934 |
Chýnov, 1934 |
Writer Roman Cikhard on
celebration of 500 anniversary of attach to Borotín Castle,
1934 |
on the trip (near Jistebnice), 1934 |
Study of turistic
information system near Miličín, 1934 |
Chapel in
Miličín, photographed for club of turists, 1934 |
1934 |
the studio, 1935 |
the studio, 1935 |
1935 |
Army music band,
Pelhřimov, 1935 |
Tábor, 1935 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlin,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlin,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Olympics in Berlín,
1936 |
Dresden, 1936 |
Dresden, 1936 |
Mr. Horák in his car,
1936 |
Funeral of city
mayor of Mladá Vožice Rudolf Žahour, 1936 |
Funeral of city mayor of
Mladá Vožice Rudolf Žahour, 1936 |
Funeral of city mayor of
Mladá Vožice Rudolf Žahour, 1936 |
Funeral of city mayor of
Mladá Vožice Rudolf Žahour, 1936 |
Funeral of city mayor of
Mladá Vožice Rudolf Žahour, 1936 |
Tree, 1936 |
Nursery in Jáchymov,
1937 |
Re-opening of the electric
railway from Tábor to Bechyně, 1937 |
Reconstruction of electric
railroad from Tábor to Bechyně, 1937 |
Reconstruction of electric
railroad from Tábor to Bechyně, 1937 |
Reconstruction of
electric railroad from Tábor to Bechyně, 1937 |
Re-opening of the electric
railway from Tábor to Bechyně, 1937 |
Re-opening of the electric
railway from Tábor to Bechyně, in the middle stands František
Křižík, inventor who built the original railway in 1902-1903,
1937 |
Trip With Milena
Cízlerová, 1937 |
Trip With Milena
Cízlerová, 1937 |
Trip With Milena
Cízlerová, 1937 |
Trip With Milena
Cízlerová, 1937 |
President of Czechoslovakia,
Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of Czechoslovakia,
Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of
Czechoslovakia, Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of Czechoslovakia,
Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of
Czechoslovakia, Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of Czechoslovakia,
Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of Czechoslovakia,
Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of Czechoslovakia,
Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
President of Czechoslovakia
Edvard Beneš is accepting as present a sculpture by sculptor J. V.
Dušek, 1938 |
President of
Czechoslovakia, Edvard Beneš in Tábor, 1938 |
Re-opening of railroad
from Tábor to Bechyně, with František Křižík, 1938 |
Building new hospital,
1938 |
Building new hospital,
1938 |
Fixing broken cable,
1938 |
Xth Sokol meet (“Slet”)
in Prague, 1938 |
Sokol meet (“Slet”) in Prague, 1938 |
Xth Sokol meet (“Slet”)
in Prague, 1938 |
Sokol meet (“Slet”) in Prague, 1938 |
Sokol meet (“Slet”) in Prague, 1938 |
Sokol meet (“Slet”) in Prague, 1938 |
Sokol meet (“Slet”) in Prague, 1938 |
1938 |
Building Church of God's
Warriors, 1938 |
Building Church of God's
Warriors, 1938 |
Building Church of God's
Warriors, 1938 |
villa, 1938 |
villa, 1938 |
Lamač villa,
1938 |
villa, 1938 |
Lamač villa,
1938 |
Statue of A. Švehla,
1939 |
Excercise in Tábor,
1940 |
Excercise in Tábor,
1940 |
Excercise in Tábor,
1940 |
Excercise in Tábor,
1940 |
Hitler in Masaryk's house
of work, that time German House, 1940 |
German texts and missing
Lime Tree of Liberty, 1940 |
Missing statue of
Antonín Švehla, 1940 |
Missing statue of Antonín
Švehla, 1940 |
Hostipal, 1941 |
Hostipal, 1941 |
Rabbit house of Mr.
Kohout, 1942 |
Kohout's farm,
1942 |
Celebration of
Czecho-Moravian Church, 1944 |
Celebration of
Czecho-Moravian Church, 1944 |
1945 |
Josef Jindřich with
girls from Russian army, 1945 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
Nursery near Jáchymov,
1947 |
1st, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
Forward and further - May
the First celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
million of eggs per year - May the First celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
now - Year 1948 - May the First celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
Soviet Russia to world peace - May the First celebration,
1948 |
1st, 1948 |
to president builder Dr. Edvard Beneš! We will go with Gottwald in
our lead - May the First celebration, 1948 |
the First celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
the First celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
the First celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
the First Celebration, 1948 |
1st, 1948 |
Social Democrats - May the
First celebration, 1948 |
Funeral of President Edvard
Beneš, 1948 |
Funeral of President Edvard
Beneš, 1948 |
Funeral of President Edvard
Beneš, 1948 |
Funeral of President Edvard
Beneš, 1948 |
Funeral of President Edvard
Beneš, 1948 |
Exhibition of posters,
1948 |
Exhibition of posters,
1948 |
Exhibition of posters,
1948 |
Glory to Stalin-liberator
of our nations, protector of our liberty and independence. We shall
learn from Stalin to build socialism un our country. Farmers in
Grand hotel, 1948 |
Reunion of WWII
prisoners, 1948 |
Reunion of WWII
prisoners, 1948 |
Farmers at Grand
Hotel, 1948 |
Apartment of actor Jaroslav
Hurt in Tábor, 1950 |
Apartment of actor Jaroslav
Hurt in Tábor, 1950 |
Apartment of actor Jaroslav
Hurt in Tábor, 1950 |
Apartment of actor Jaroslav
Hurt in Tábor, 1950 |
Rebuilding Karolín,
1950 |
Rebuilding Karolín,
1950 |
Rebuilding Karolín,
1950 |
Rebuilding Karolín,
1950 |
Rebuilding Karolín,
1950 |
Josef Jindřich
Šechtl, 1950 |
and Josef Šechtl, in car Aero 50, 1951 |
Marie and Josef
Šechtl, in car Aero 50, 1951 |
cd1941 |
, |
Tree, |
XY |
New Hospital in Tábor,
XY |
Meeting relatives in
Soběslav, XY |
First exhibition of
professional photographers in Brno, XY |
First exhibition of
professional photographers in Brno, XY |
First exhibition of
professional photographers in Brno, XY |