group photos in cars
keywords: car, group Czech name: V autě | keywords: Podolí, bridge, car, Vltava Czech name: Na řetězovém mostě v Podolí automobil francouzské výroby Sizaire-Naudin, před rokem 1910 | keywords: Tábor, saint's-day, festival, Vrtačky, car, group Czech name: pouť na Vrtačkách auto Praga Piccolo 1927 | keywords: Tábor, saint's-day, festival, Vrtačky, car, cow, parade Czech name: pouť na Vrtačkách 1927 |
keywords: rmperor manoeuvre, group, car, army, Křižík's square, Tábor Czech name: náměstí Františka Křižíka s autem a důstojníky 1913 | keywords: Anna Šechtlová, Josef Jindřich Šechtl, car Czech name: Šechtlovi s přáteli v autě | keywords: Tábor, saint's-day, festival, Vrtačky, group, car Czech name: pouť na Vrtačkách 1927 | A car in front of a hotel |
keywords: Tábor, saint's-day, festival, Vrtačky, car, group Czech name: 450 pouť na Vrtačkách auto 1927 | Table Club Pffff, with car 1927 1927 |
As at 2025-01-14 the Šechtl & Voseček digital archive currently contains 35724 records.
Unfortunately, we are unable to deliver a full English-language version of the archive at the moment, but we hope that we have translated enough of the captions to make the archive useful for English-speaking visitors. There is also a more complete Czech version of the page (click on Czech flag on the top of page). Depending on the preferred language configuration of your Internet browser, the Czech language version might appear as default.
Please Email us if you have any additional information about any of the photographs, or if you are interested in copying, or in any other way using, any of these photographs. The photographs are protected by copyright of Marie Michaela Šechtlová.