Josef Ferdidand Ignác (pupa) was born in Prague. His parents
were Anna and Josef Jindřich Šechtl.
11-01 1926
Anna Šechtlová (mother) died.
05-12 1927 (2 years)
Father (Josef Jindřich) got married with Božena Bulínová.
01-16 1936 (10 years)
Jan Voseček, co-owner of Šechtl and Voseček studioes and
de-facto member of familly, died in Tábor.
1836-1944 (11-19 years)
Josef Šechtl studied on Gymnasium in Tábor. This is where he
met his future wifes Marie Kokešová.
1944 (19 years)
Forced to work for TN (Technische Nothilfe) to help repair
Ruzyně airport damaged by the war.
1945 (20 years)
Final exam on Gymnasium in Táboře.
1947 (22 years)
Master exam in photography.
05-15 1948 (23 years)
Got maried with Marie Kokešová (Marie Šechtlová) v Táboře.
Marie Šechtlová finished studies in photography (obor
1951 (26 years)
Seriously harmed during motor-cycle crash.
03-17 1952 (26 years)
Daugther (Marie Michaela) was born.
1953 (28 years)
Communistic goverment turned familly studios "Šechtl a Voseček"
into a co-operative. Josef Šechtl remained as chief worked of the
02-24 1954 (28 years)
Josef Jindřich (father) died.
Dec 1957 (30 years)
Josef Šechtl was arrested, his chief position was canceled.
Wast majority of familly photographic archive was confiscated.
Dec 1958 (31 years)
Liberated from the jail.
12-14 1961
Marie Šechtlová leaved co-operative and become candidate (and
later member) of "Svaz čsl. výtvarných umělců" (federation of
czechoslovakia graphic artists), an organization allowing
(controlled) publication of artistic photography in the communistic
2. září 1965 (40 years)
Josef Šechtl became candidate (and later member) of "Svaz čsl.
výtvarných umělců".
Marie Šechtlová was seriously harmed by X-ray because of
mistake of the doctor.
7-10 1992 (67 years)
Josef Šechtl speak to radio about value of work of Šechtl
family for Czech photography and city Tábor.
8-10 1992 (67 years)
Josef Šechtl died in Tábor.
Work of Josef Šechtl
First color photo was published in the monthly "čsl.
2nd place in category "movie poetry" for the movie "Měsíček"
(Little moon) in national competetion of amateur movie in Uherské
Hradiště, Movies "Vitamíny" (Vitamines) and "Měsiček" (Little moon)
presented sucesfully in the competation of popular creativity of
Movie "Měsíček" (Little moon) was presented on international
festival UNICA 1958 in Emz.
50's and early 60's
Josef Šechtl was not allowed to publish (in communistic regime)
because his father was tradesman.
For the first time the cooperate authorship of Marie and Josefa
Šechtl was mentioned first time for catalogue AJG.
First cooperative exposition of Marie and Josef Šechtl.
30 black and white and 20 color photographs on display in
several cities across Czechoslovakia.
Catalogue of Marie and Josef Šechtl with photographs "South
Bohemian Ghotic" for AJG.
Published several postcards and collections (including Low and
High Tatras), Pressfoto Bratislava and Orbis.
Publication "Praha", Pressfoto Praha. Realised large scale
photographic print for exposition of sculptor Karel Mrázek.
Photographic wall "Tvůrce a dílo" (Creator and his work) for
dolmitary of school of ceramics in Bechyně. Exposition in
Pelhřimov, exposition "Manželé s kamerou" (Interkamera Praha)
exposition "Tvář našeho kraje" (Face of our region) as part of
festival "Země živitelka" in České budějovice.
Illustration for the book F. Kožíka "Bretaň, dcera oceánů"
(Bretagne, daughter of oceans).
Publication J. Kutan "Jižní Čechy" (South Bohemia).
Set of photographs "Země živitelka" (33 color
Participation on exposition of south bohemian artists "Užité
umění" in Brno. Publication "Hradec Králové".
Callendar "Květiny" (Flowers), Pressfoto Bratislava, "Za
krásami Jižních Čech" (For the beauty of south bohemia), OT Kolín.
Participation on exposition "Soudobá výtvarná fotografie" (Current
graphic photography) in Praha.
Callendar "Horská květena" (High mountain flowers), Pressfoto
Bratislava. Callendar "Hudba - plamen života" (Music source of
life), Pressfoto Praha. Publication "Svět loutek" (World of
pupils), kruh, Hradec Králové.
Exposition of photographs in Tábor Publication "Dítě a svět"
(Child and World), Pressfoto Praha. Publication P. Korčák "Tábor,
národní kulturní památka" (Tábor, national monument), Panorama.
Callendary "Lidické růže" (Roses from Lidice).
Exposition "Táborské proměny, fotografie z archivu tří
generací" (Tábor developments, photographs of three generations).
Exposition in culture house of České Budějovice. Publikace for 30rd
anniverasry of Jitex Písek.
Callendary "Život v míru" (Live in peace). Publication
"Jihočeská klenotnice" (South bohemian jewelery).
Exposition of color photography in regional museum Písek. Large
scale photographic prints for hotel Gomel, České Budějovice.
Callendaries "Cirkus" (Circus) and "Loutky" (Pupets), Pressfoto
Bratislava, "Fotografie" (Photographs), OT Kolín.
Publication F. Šmejkal "Zdeněk Sklenář", Odeon.
Set of posters, merkur, poster for Prague spring.
Posters with South Bohemia, Pressfoto Bratislava. Publication
M. Krajný "Karel Stehlík", Odeon.
Exposition "Color photography", galerie Dačice. Photographic
wall "hudba lesa" (music of forest) in Sezimovo Ústí. Color large
scale photographs for hotel Palcát, Tábor. Reportages for magazine
"La vie Thecoslovaque".
Publication P. Schefuler "Jižní Čechy objektivem tří generací"
(South Bohemia photographed by three generations).
Exposition for 150th anniversary of photography, Praha.
Color photography (1936)
Various ways to create color photography was explored since 19th
century. First color photograph was created in 1861 by physician
James Maxwell. First color matherial Autochrome (patented by brother Lumieres 1907)
was used by father of Josef Šechtl in 1909. However it is commonly
considered that color photography was intorduced in 1936 when
Kodachrome negatives became available. Unlike its predecestors,
Kodachrome was the first matherial allowing to make and reproduce
photography in acceptable price.
In the Czechoslovakia the beggining of color photography was
dificult because of communistic regime and lack of good matherial.
In the early 50's Agfacolor was imported and later it was replaced
by domestic matherial Foma. Making a shot was very dificult this
time since each photo had colors shifted in various direction and
one was required to make several experiments and ballance it by
color filters. This process too several days for each
Josef Šechtl experimented with color photography since it's
infancy in Czechoslovakia in early 50's. He didn't have profesional
quality laboratory for color photography so he heated it to high
temperatures and the tests was brought to day light in the front of
house. Even with this equipment Josef created multiple prints, but
unforutnately many of them looks too red today as the matherial
didn't last. Later he switched to diapositives Agfa and high
quality paper Cibachrome and prints made this system last till
present day and still surprise by beautifull colors.
Sabattier effect (1862)
Sabattier effect can be reproduced by exposing the photograph
still placed in the developer to the light for a short time. At
this moment the partly developed image covers the still sensitive
parts of paper so areas already developed are exposed less than
parts not developed yet and the resulting photo combine positive
and negative image.
Today the effect can be simulated by image editing programs in
computer by setting the curves like this:
Josef Šechtl used different color filters for the initial
exposition and the light, he also exposed negative matherial from
positive or exposing the image to different lights making the
positive image in photograph invisible.
Agfacontour (1971)
Agfacontour is unique matherial allowing to color the black and
white photograph in a way so little differences of gray levels are
well visible. THis matherial was developed by Agfa in 1971 for
scientific purposes 9for instance for infra-red photos from Apollo
missions). Josef Šechtl was one of the very few photographes
(especially in the former communistic countries), who used it for
artsy purposes.
The Agfacontour film had both positive and negative emulsion
allowing to separate selected area of grayscale.
Original photograph
Contrast photo
Contrast negative
Combination of the both into contour
Final separations was put together by exposing the contours
trought color filters. One can create similar effect by Sabattier
effect, however the agfacontour is much easier to controll and it
allows wider range of colours to be present. Josef Šechtl was
invited to conference in west Germany concerning the matherial but
he was not allowed to leave the country, so he used the process in
complette isolation resulting in different results than common use
of the matherial.
Pseudorelief is result of combining positive and negative
picture with little offset. Final picture is almost gray, but in
the contours of dark and light areas create relief like effect.