Josef Šechtl (1925–1992)
and Marie Šechtlová (1928–2008)
Josef Šechtl
Marie Šechtlová
Josef Šechtl (1925–1992) and his wife Marie Šechtlová
(1928–2008) took over the Šechtl & Voseček
studio in 1940s. Marie in particular, brought a feminine
emotive element to their work. In the 1960's, she was among the
most successful photographers of "the poetry of the everyday".
Following the nationalisation of the studio by the Communist
government in 1953, they continued as freelance photographers,
mounting many exhibitions and producing a number of publications,
including Jižní čechy, Hradec Králové, Loutky. Together they were a
team of art photographers, pioneering colour photography and the
use of large photographs for interier decoration.