Current | 2015–2018 | 2014–2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008-2 | 2008-1 | 2007-2 | 2007-1 | 2006-2 | 2006-1 | 2004–2005
We are celebrating having reached 5000 digitized photographs from 35mm film. We have been working on digitizing this format since March 2005, and have already digitized the majority of preserved 35mm films by Josef Jindřich Šechtl. We plan to prepare an exhibition in our museum in 2007, of Josef Šechtl's photographs, taken using vintage Leica I and II cameras, from the 1920s to the 1950s.
However, our project of digitizing our archive is not complete yet. We still need to process a number of glass plate negatives of sizes greater than 18×24cm, and we have so far only experimented with digitizing medium and large format films. Currently the digitized archive consists of: 7500 digitized glass plate negatives dating from 1869 to 1950s; 267 films (6×6 or 6×9 cm) from 1950s to 1990s; 750 photographic prints dated from 1866 to 1950s; 300 hand-colored slides dating from 1900s to 1930s; and more. Overall, as of 25th May 2006, it contains 13635 photographs, with 334 new photos added to the archive since our last update.
334 new photos in the archiveDate of the opening of next exhibition was set and we extended current exhibition till June 16th.
207 new photos in the archiveScripts producing our pages was modernized and webpages are now using Unicode and Cascade Style Sheets. We hope that numberous little changes in our webpage design are improving their quality. If something now renders wrong for you, please let us know.
Biography of Ignác Šechtl was updated using one written for our 4th exhibit and translated by John Titchener.
The first photographs from our Prokudin-Gorsky Exhibition are now
available online
On our new exhibtion you will find approximately 90 photographs by Prokudin-Gorsky, 60 of them prepared by photographer Walter Frankhauser originally for exhibition on U.S. Library of Congress, 30 digital renderings are new. The captions was extended by Jiří Kohout and will be printed with orientation maps first time with typography by Jakub Troják.
We finally found problem causing certain version of Microsoft Internet Explorer to stop displaying images after visitng certain parts of our digital archive. The problem was caused by bug in Internet Explorer in reading EXIF data. As an workaround we removed all EXIF data from images on our webpages so the bug should no longer reproduce.
New guestbook and section with interesting discoveries. Discussion forum now allows uploading of photos.
20 new photographs borrowed for digitalisation by Mrs. Táborská. New are especially photographs of Tábor from 1950s by Josef Šechtl.