We made available, on-line, texts and some photographs from our new exhibition “Marie Sechtlová: Photographic Stories”
Current | 2015–2018 | 2014–2013 | 2012| 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008-2 | 2008-1 | 2007-2 | 2007-1 | 2006-2 | 2006-1 | 2004–2005
We made available, on-line, texts and some photographs from our new exhibition “Marie Sechtlová: Photographic Stories”
Šechtl & Voseček Musem of Photography callendars for year 2007 are almost completely sold out. Last copies can be purchached in Tábor tourist centre and book shop “Kniha”. We made available photographs from the callendars in our virtual galleries. The callendars are important source of funds for our digitalization project and museum. Thank ou for your interest!
In the higher amounts, over 1000 copies, we can prepare also the callendars with historical photographs of your choice.
313 new photos in the archive. 35mm film:
Opening of 7th exhibition in our museum was
very successful.
We are grateful to Antonín Dufek, curator of the exhibition, for the opening speech, Jan Šikl for digitizing movies, and MÚZIKA theatre for the recitation of Jan Noha's poem. We are also grateful for everyone who came to the opening.
Kinofilmy Marie Šechtlové
35mm films by Josef Jindřich Šechtl:
Pelhřimov, Distillery in Planá nad Lužnicí,, Works near Bechyňka
Tábor archive finished verifying the archive and made glass plates available for digitalization again. New photographs from the negatives:
In June 2005 we visited village Turovec precisely 80 years after
visit of Josef Šechtla (July
12th 1925) and we prepares small reportage comparing old and
today photographs.
Building Švehla's bridge in Tábor, 1935
Glass plate negatives:Furniture by František Vytiska, Views of the city Tábor from North, Views of the city Tábor from South, Views of the city Tábor from East, Views of the city Tábor from West, Oldest views of the city Tábor, Nort side of the square, South side of the square, East side of the square, West side of the square, Hradební Street, Josef Švehla
Kinofilmy:38 new hand colored slides donated to our archive by Jiří Čikeš
Šechtl and Voseček studios in house number 516
35mm film:Wedding in Pelhřimov, Soldiers in Pelhřimov, Kámen and Pelhřimov, Kámen